

Depression is a complex personal condition that is caused by a combination of biological, psychological and social factors, therefore difficult to define. It is understood that depression is one of the leading causes of disability when left untreated for a long time. The road to recovery and the time it may involve can vary depending on a number of factors. Psychotherapy has long been recognised as one of the most effective ways to treat depression.

Causes of depression

Loneliness and/or lack of social support
Marital and/or other relationship problems
Alcohol and/or substance dependence
Recent stressful life experiences
Family history of depression
Unresolved traumatic experiences related to one’s past
Financial strain; and many more

Common signs and symptoms of depression

Feelings of helplessness and hopelessness

Depression can be experienced as a deep unpleasant feeling of emptiness and despair that can last a long time. This feeling can make it difficult to function in everyday life as you have been used to doing some time ago.

Unable to feel joy and pleasure in life

There may be things that once you enjoyed doing and people who you once loved that may no longer be of any interest to you. Inability to socialise and/or being intimate with others can possibly lead you to feelings of helplessness, guilt and low self-esteem.

Anger and irritability

Your patience and tolerance might be at lower levels leading you to angry outbursts.


Strong feelings of guilt and not being worthy. Extreme self-criticism and strong feelings of anger towards one’s self.

Tiredness and physical discomforts

Symptoms of depression may be extreme tiredness and in some cases total exhaustion. Your whole body may feel heavier and you may experience physical discomforts such as headaches /migraines, etc.

Other signs

Such as difficulty in sleeping, loss of appetite and weight loss/gain, inability to concentrate, etc. may all be potential signs of depression.

How therapy can help with depression

If you think of depression as a way of pressing downward, therapeutic space can help you to understand what it is that you are pressing downward (de-press), instead of pressing outward (ex-press). Once this is clarified, you may want to ask the ‘why’ – reasons for the psyche to de-press rather than ex-press in healthier ways. Final step would be exploring the ‘how’ – how can you potentially ex-press rather than de-press so that the energy of life can flow through you more smoothly.

If depression is specifically related to one’s present challenges such as relationship conflicts, stress related to professional life, financial constraints and/or other issues, then they can be explored safely and find resolutions that are healthier and more life-giving.

Needless to say, the investigation of the what, why and the how of psychological issues can be complex and unique to every individual. As your being human is unique, your therapeutic journey will be unique too. It is important to know that mental challenges can be successfully treated. It is believed that all mental challenges arise from a combination of biological, psychological and social conditions. What this means is that any mental challenge is not simply caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain/body and may not be dealt with medication only.

If depression is related to unresolved traumatic experiences in your past, these can be explored in a safe way within a therapeutic relationship. There are ways to heal painful emotions and change one’s perspective of past experiences. Besides, there can be rich insights to be gained in going forward in life.

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In order to explore your options in dealing with your depression through a therapeutic process, email us or please call us (between 9:00AM & 6:00PM from Monday to Saturday).